
Creating an export solution pipeline for Dynamics 365 (committing solution to repo)

In the previous “How-To’s” we went through the process of creating an Azure DevOps project, setting up a repo which we are going to export a solution from Dynamics 365 now. If you haven’t seen those posts I recommend going through those first before creating a pipeline. I’ve added those posts at the bottom of …

Creating an export solution pipeline for Dynamics 365 (committing solution to repo) Read More »

Enabling Editable Grid for Main View in Dynamics 365

Editable Grid could be useful when the user wants to edit records quickly without the need of navigating to each record. Enable editable grid for main view Navigate to Solution Explorer Open the tables, open the table you want to enable editable grid. (Yes I write table, but actually it says entity) Navigate to “Controls” …

Enabling Editable Grid for Main View in Dynamics 365 Read More »

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